Restoration of Lower Plinth of the Tomb of Abdur Rahim Khan I Khanan

As with Humayun’s Tomb, the ground level arcade had a raised chabutra or platform which no longer survives though this is visible in archival images. Built of Delhi quartzite, this platform has now been replaced with a sandstone plinth protection at a much lower level than the original chabutra – thus exposing wall surfaces that were originally meant to be buried.

Since this platform is an important architectural element, a significant interface between the garden and the mausoleum as well as serving a structural function for the arcade, it is being restored at original levels with stone of matching texture.

Scientific clearance was carried out along the existing plinth protection to expose the original Delhi quartzite edge of the platform, which was buried under layers of earth. The exposed Delhi quartzite edge of large stone blocks on all four sides has been carefully consolidated with a 4” thick red sandstone edge atop it.

The recent sandstone paving, is much lower and the foundations of the arcade were found to be dangerously exposed by over 40 cm. This has been removed and replaced with the authentic quartzite stone blocks –laid to the original steep slope to ensure quick disposal of rainwater away from the structure.