The prominently sited Delhi Development Authority Park within which the BarahKhambhamonument stands was landscaped to provide an appropriate setting for the monument.
The landscape design by landscape architect M Shaheer included creation of sunken planting beds, incorporating several earlier features in a new formal layoutaimed to enhance the visual and physical access to the monumentwhile retaining existing vegetation and incorporating existing pathways whereverpossible.
The landscape works were also an opportunity to provide an access to the park from theHazrat Nizamuddin Basti while closing access from points not utilized by the public andhence taken over for inappropriate usage.
600 cubic metres of debris was removed to clear the area for landscaping of the park.13000 square feet of 50mm thick red sandstone paving has been laid enhancing thehistoric setting of the monument.
Plazas or sitting areas have been developed which will provide for significant pause alongthe walk and acts as contemplative spots too.
Mr. Balwinder Singh, Vice Chairman, Delhi Development Authority inaugurated the restored Barah Khamba and landscaped DDAPark on the completion of conservation and landscaping works on 28th March 2015.
The setting of the monument has been enhanced with formal landscaping as well as an additional access from the Basti – thusallowing residents to use the park and create greater visibility from the Lodhi road.