Following the July 2008 collapse of the Baoli’s eastern wall, there was concern both for the structural stability of standing portions as well for the well being of the 84 people who resided atop the southern terrace. To safeguard the monument, the ASI served legal notices of eviction on all18 families.
The unsanitary and pathetic living conditions of these families were further worsened by the threat of structural collapse and as a first step temporary shoring was installed to ensure stability.
The AKDN team initiated dialogue with the residents and then on the behalf of the residents with concerned government agencies culminating in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi providing alternate plots to 12 families in 2010. Further dialogue, negotiation, support in preparing required paperwork and acquiring required documentation ensured that by late 2012 all 18 families had been allotted plots on which AKDN had built residential units.
In this first successful relocation carried out in Delhi in several years it was ensured that the families continue to reside adjoining one another to maintain community bonds and support. For a year following the relocation, additional support such as transport allowance, vocational training, access to healthcare and education was provided.