Mirza Ghalib’s Tomb is located in a large open courtyard adjacent to the Ghalib Academy. The Chausath Khamba lies to east. The area comprising of Chausath Khamba, Urs Mahal courtyard and Mirza Ghalib Tomb, form the largest open space in Nizamuddin Basti. As part of the project, it has been sensitively designed in a landscape scheme by Shaheer Associates, integrating the three monuments, thereby enhancing the cultural significance of the place. The landscape design has created a courtyard effect which allows small gatherings and enhances the character of the enclosure as well as the street. The design uses traditional building materials and craft techniques.
The paving in hand-chiseled sandstone and marble significantly enhances the historic character. A marble inscription with a couplet of the poet inscribed on it was also erected. Tree pits left in the enclosure have 1.5 m deep brick walls built around them to prevent damage from mongoose. The Delhi Quartzite enclosure wall, which includes sandstone screens provides a serene space that allows contemplation and holding an occasional mushaira, in honour of the famous 19th century poet.